
<video> elements must have a caption <track>

Who might be affected


Videos and audio tracks are a significant part of all content offered on the internet today. Media's content is partially or entirely auditory and is therefore inaccessible to the deaf and hard of hearing.

Any pre-recorded video file must have synchronized captions, except where there is a text alternative on the page that presents precisely the same content as in the video file's audio, or if the audio is not significant to the content of the video (background music for example).

Make sure that you use captions rather than subtitles. Besides spoken text, captions contain descriptions of sound effects and background sounds to provide the entire experience to the deaf and hard of hearing.

Quick Fixes

There is no quick fix for this issue since you will need to get the captions file first, but there is not much left to do once you have it. Add a <track> child element to the <video> element and give it a "src" attribute pointing to the caption file. The "src" attribute is the only required attribute. You can also add a kind="caption" to specify the content of the track. If you have more than one caption tracks, add to each track element a label attribute so the browser can list all the available caption tracks. If you have caption tracks in more than one language, add a langsrc attribute to each track element with the language code as its value. .

2 <source src="myTutorial.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
3 <track src="chp-3_captions_en.vtt" kind="captions" srclang="en" label="English" />

How Users Are Affected

Deaf and hard of hearing people will only be able to partially consume the content of the video.

WCAG Success criteria

This issue might cause elements to fail one or more of the following Success criteria:
1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Pre-recorded) (A) | 1.2.2 Captions (Pre-recorded) (A)