
Alt texts should reflect the user the content, purpose, and context of the image.

Who might be affected
Screen Reader
Voice Control


Images can represent a variety of content types in the interface. They can, for example, represent informative, decorative, or functional content. Different phrasing may be needed to suit each situation. In any case, the alternative text must be clear and put the image in the proper context.

Quick Fixes

When setting an alternative text to an image, ensure that the it is:

  • Proper to its context.
  • Not using phrases like “image of …”
  • Not using special characters or a single letter.

For instructions how to set a proper alt text, see the W3C’s, alt Decision Tree

How Users Are Affected

Users may not be able to perceive and understand the image’s content and purpose accurately.

WCAG Success criteria

This issue might cause elements to fail one or more of the following Success criteria:
1.1.1 Non-text Content (A)