
Buttons’ accessibility label should reflect their context and purpose.

Who might be affected
Screen Reader
Voice Control


When the accessible name of buttons does not describe or imply its purpose, or its context is unclear, users of screen readers, braille keyboards, voice dictation, and people with certain cognitive impairments may lose confidence in using them. They may also have difficulty perceiving the purpose of these buttons.

Quick Fixes

When setting an accessible label to a button, ensure that the it is:

  • Unique on the screen or page.
  • Clearly describing the resulting action.

Try to avoid:

  • Using single letters or special characters for accessible labels.
  • Using names that are vague out of context like “Tap”, “Click”, “Go” etc.

How Users Are Affected

Users may not understand the button's purpose and therefore lose confidence and avoid using it.

WCAG Success criteria

This issue might cause elements to fail one or more of the following Success criteria:
1.1.1 Non-text Content (A) | 4.1.2 name, role, value (A)